Inspire Program Australia was born with a clear need in mind.
Our founder is a working mum who couldn’t find an alternative to the onsite after school care at her son’s primary school. Frustrated and feeling guilty for leaving him to the ‘childing minding’ service, she wanted more. She created Inspire’s unique concept to incorporate structured physical, mental and creative activities for children.
A place where they go to be inspired.
Inspire’s mission is to create a premium alternative to traditional onsite after school care services that focuses on helping kids grow and develop in a technology free, fun and nurturing environment.
Our Philosophy
At Inspire, our philosophy shaped by the input of children, families, educators, management and the community - our program is intentionally designed to support families in their important parenting role.
An example of this is our unique homework program, developed in consultation with children and families, supporting children’s sense of responsibility ang giving families the opportunity to spend quality time with their children at the end of a busy day. We believe that children’s confidence and self-esteem are critical to their positive learning and development. The martial arts program that is a feature of our curriculum enhance children’s confidence, self-esteem, physical, social and emotional development.
Inspire’s program reflects the nationally approved learning framework, My Time Our Place.
Our Children
At Inspire, we view children as capable and competent, and this is reflected in curriculum design.
We provide many opportunities for children to contribute to and lead the program. We listen carefully to children and respect their views and opinions and consider them in the curriculum.
Our program is designed to reflect the diversity of children and families, and to ensure inclusion for all. We believe strongly in the principles of social justice and equity, and support children’s critical thinking about community and global issues to empower them to become strong social citizens as they grow and develop. For each and every child at our service, we aspire for them to do their very best for themselves and others, and to believe in their own unique capabilities.
Our Families
At Inspire, we understand that families are a primary influence in the lives of children.
For this reason, we carefully consider how all families, in all of their uniqueness, are welcomed into our program. We are committed to building strong and supportive reciprocal relationships with families and understand that positive relationships with families are essential for successful partnerships.
We know that when we work in partnership with families, positive outcomes for children are enhanced. We think critically about responsive ways to connect to and consult with families, mindful of their communication styles and individual circumstances.
Our Environments
At Inspire, we understand the key role that the environment plays in supporting children’s learning and development.
Our educators strive to create environments that are welcoming, engaging, inviting and fun. In consultation with children, we provide experiences that challenge thinking, enhance self-esteem and position children as drivers of their own leisure and learning, building their leadership skills.
Our environments are safe and healthy, and we also intentionally provide opportunities for risk taking and challenges to support children’s development and build their confidence and self-esteem. Environmental responsibility and sustainability are important to us, and we work with children to understand their responsibility as future custodians of the environment.
Our Educators
At Inspire, our educators are enthusiastic and positive role models who have high expectations for all children.
They build strong and supportive relationships with children and families, and respect children’s rights to contribute to the program and to make decisions in matters that affect them.
Our educators think carefully about the program in evaluating and planning for future programs through collaborative and professional dialogue. Reflective practice drives program direction, and professional learning opportunities are also valued by Inspire for their potential to support quality improvements.
Our educators understand children’s individual needs and dispositions and respond to them accordingly. They are enthusiastic participants in children’s fun and discovery.
At Inspire, we acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and play.
We endeavour to work in collaboration with Aboriginal representatives to bring value to ATSI culture and heritage in our program. We believe that our service should be reflective of our local community. Our program operates from the premises of local organisations, so strong partnerships are critical to our operations. Through supportive reciprocal relationships, we aim to build a strong sense of community.
We understand the unique differences in communities and consider this carefully in our program.
Our Program
At Inspire, our program is led by our children.
We facilitate play and recreation activities that invite children to discover, create and imagine, through our intentionally established resources and environments. Play and recreation activities, our Martial Arts program, Homework program and Be Inspired program, developed in consultation with children and families, provide a secure and supportive curriculum where our children know they belong.
Our program is guided by the principles, practices and outcomes of the approved learning framework, My Time Our Place.