Inspire Riverstone

➤ Riverstone High School, 71 McCulloch St, riverstone nsw 2765

Inspire Riverstone’s School Holiday Fun is jam-packed with fun, engaging activities and excursions that primary school children of all ages will love!

Our operating hours:

7:30 am - 6:00 pm

Our Daily Fee:

Service Full Price After Max CCS*
Inspire Riverstone (School Holiday Fun) $119.00 $16.35
Early Bird Discount $109.00 Discount ended
Save $10.00 for every day you book this School Holidays!
Families must finalise their booking before Monday 3rd March 2025 by 11:59pm to be eligible for the Early Bird Discount. Please note the Early Bird Discount is only available to 'Exisiting Inspire Families'.

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

*All programmed activities are subject to change

Our Early Bird Discount ends on Monday 3rd March 2025! *EXISTING FAMILIES ONLY!*