On the 22nd of July, the staff kicked off the term with a mid-year training and social event at the Blue Mountains, an incredible way to begin the, second half of the year.
During Term 1, we hosted Parents Night at every centre to get to know our new families better and provide an opportunity for them to give our staff feedback.
This year, on the 29th of January, Inspire held their beginning of term Staff Kick Off Day, bringing together all staff members to prepare for the term ahead.
At a number of our centre’s we are fortunate enough to be within walking distance of the schools that we collect from. We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to walk the children to Inspire!
On Monday 31st January, Inspire hosted first conference of 2023 - Staff Kick Off! Every year Inspire hosts two staff conferences, to gather our team together and prepare for the term ahead.
The Fox Badge is a physical challenge to assess the flexibility of our young martial artists. In Taekwondo, flexibility is a core component to success, especially in the lower limbs!
Last week we planned special days across all of our Inspire centres - each centre had planned their own event for the children that deviates from Inspire’s regular program.
Being socially and environmentally responsible is a big part of our philosophy, and is something we incorporate into our program and teachings to the children. So our Head Office team have taken on the challenge to each take care of their own plant.
Re-enrolments for next year are open now and Inspire families that re-enrol by Sunday 12th December 2021 have the chance to win up to $5000 in cash prizes!